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Life-long learning

Life-long learning

Building bridges by developing a range of skills and fostering a curiosity for life-long learning and individual success.

The different strengths and weaknesses can be given good individual attention in our small learning groups. Outstanding talents in all areas are recognized and strengthened. Project-oriented learning takes place one afternoon a week and enables the children to get involved in their own chosen working groups, deepen their interests and express their creativity. While tablets are used in the elementary school, BYOD already applies to the secondary level, so that media skills are developed on a daily basis throughout the school and our pupils are prepared for a digital world. In addition to digital textbooks and texts in class, our library offers a selection of literature for children and young people and invites them to browse. The workroom is available to our pupils to promote manual skills. For sporting activities, we have a soccer pitch, a basketball court and an exercise room. Our playground is also very stimulating and is very popular.