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Your Contribution


Become a member and support the association with a membership fee of at least 12 € per year (1€ per month!). You are also welcome to become a member as a company for at least 120 € annual fee.

You can download the application for membership here, fill it out and submit it to the school administration or by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or to a current board member.

pdfApplication for membership

pdfPrivacy Policy


Every donation of money and goods is a great support and enables the implementation of the planned projects for the benefit of the children.

Bank account

Förderverein der Deutschen Internationalen Schule Accra e.V.

IBAN:         DE88 6425 0040 0009 5690 09
BIC:            SOLADES1RWL
Bank:         Kreissparkasse Rottweil

The association is recognized as a non-profit organization in Germany. Therefore, membership fees and donations to the association are tax-deductible in Germany.