Portfolio work
The Portfolio
During their time in the early learning center, our educators create a so-called portfolio for each child. This is a binder that systematically records the skills and competencies of the children. A portfolio is meant to help capture and visualize the strengths and learning progress of each individual child. It also makes the child's educational biography and developmental process comprehensible. The child's diverse materials (pictures, drawings, crafted works) are accompanied by brief reflections that include the children's statements about their creations. For educators, the portfolio offers a way to document the individual learning journey clearly and effectively, allowing the child to recognize and reflect on their growth in competencies. Therefore, the portfolios are of great significance for the children, educators, and parents.
The following goals are pursued in portfolio work at the daycare:
- Reflecting personal interests and strengths
- Documenting learning processes
- Illustrating development
- Reminding of past events
- Serving as a basis for pedagogical planning
- Reflecting self-education processes
Upon leaving the early learning center, children may take their portfolio home, providing them with a keepsake of their time in kindergarten and nursery at GISA.