About us
The Non-Profit Support Association of the German International School Accra was founded in December 2024 by committed parents and employees of the German International School Accra. The association is registered in Germany at the Stuttgart Registration Court under the number VR 726942
and recognized as a non-profit organization.
Our goal is to support the school in fulfilling its educational mission and providing the children with the best possible education and support. Especially in times when public funds are becoming increasingly scarce, this requires joint efforts by the school community.
The aim is also to win over former parents, students and employees of the GISA or former Swiss school for the association and thus to support the school.
Current Board of Directors:
Thorsten van Honk
Robert Lüdtke
Andrea Kurta
Please feel free to contact us!
Planned Projects
- Purchase of playground equipment and learning materials
- Social fund for needy students (lunch, school materials, class trips, sponsorships)
- Renovation and equipment of the school library
- Financing of various cultural activities such as museum visits or readings