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Free play

Free Play in the early learning center

In our early learning center free play is a special time when children can choose how and what they want to play with, without fixed rules or guidelines. Nevertheless, they are accompanied and supported by educational professionals during free play. This support creates a safe environment where children can unleash their imagination, develop social skills, face challenges, and explore their curiosity.

Why is free play so important to us?

Free play is an essential component of child development for various reasons. In this playful environment, children can express their imagination, interact with others, develop social skills such as sharing and empathy, and form friendships. Furthermore, free play fosters cognitive development as children independently solve problems, make decisions, and unleash their creativity. While playing with toys, building towers, and painting, they not only improve their fine motor skills but also their hand-eye coordination. Last but not least, free play strengthens children's self-confidence and independence as they tackle challenges and explore the world around them.

How do we Foster meaningful free play?

To optimally support free play, we offer a diverse selection of play materials and create generous spaces for the children. We attentively observe their activities and are ready to assist them when needed. Free play is consistently accompanied by language from educational professionals to promote the children’s communication skills. We always encourage them to develop new ideas and unleash their imagination. At the same time, we set clear boundaries and rules to ensure a safe and respectful environment. We recognize and appreciate the continuous efforts and progress of the children.