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Newsletter 07.06.2024

Written on 07 June 2024
Newsletter 07.06.2024

The countdown to the end of the school year is ticking away, but as you can see from this newsletter, there are still many highlights to come.

Monday, 17.06.2024 is very likely to be the national holiday Al Adha, which would then also be free of school if confirmed by the authorities.

We are pleased to announce that the North Ridge Café will be providing lunch for our students during the last week of school and during the Lost in Space summer camp. If all goes well, they will continue to provide our lunches next year. The lunch organization will continue as with the Paloma Hotel (same numbers and payments can be made on Friday and Monday morning). If your child does not eat at the Paloma but would like to eat at the North Ridge Café, please contact Sara Debackere. We thank the North Ridge Café and wish them a good start with us.

pdfMenu North Ridge Cafe Download

Flyer Rapunzel English JPGAs we approach the final weeks before the highly anticipated musical performance of Rapunzel on June 13 at 6pm at the Goethe-Institute, please note that tickets can be purchased from the school administration. Children are welcome free of charge, adults pay 50 cedi. Don't miss this opportunity to support our young artists with the whole family!

13We would like to watch football twice with the whole school community and cheer on Germany or our favorite team. On Wednesday, 19.06.2024 at 4 pm against Hungary and on Sunday, 23.06.2024 at 6 pm against Switzerland, both at the Swiss Club. Save the date - we will make a request for both public viewings as soon as possible, as places will be limited and we will also be co-hosting with the Hungarian and Swiss embassies. So the atmosphere is guaranteed, and there will also be snacks and drinks typical of the country.

Auction englishWe would also like to thank the Kempinski Hotel Accra for supporting our campaign to acquire new Ipads for the elementary school with attractive vouchers, which will be auctioned off at the public viewings.

Lost in space Summer campAre you ready for an extraordinary adventure and do you want to have fun at our camp? Join us on a journey at our “Lost in Space” summer camp! From June 24 to 28, we'll embark on a universe full of fun, exploration and discovery. Children aged 3 to 12 are welcome to join us on this adventure! Places are limited, so reserve a place for your child at our “Lost in Space” summer camp and register by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

As every year, the school would like to collect clothes and donate them to Chance For Children. Your donation will make a difference in the lives of many children by providing them with the clothing they need to stay healthy and comfortable. Let's come together and support Chance for Children in their mission to make a positive impact on our community. Donate your clothing in a box in the security office by June 20. Thank you in advance for your help!

As part of the GISA family, we would like to invite you to take part in our betting round for Euro 24. The betting stake is 50 GHC for the entire tournament and can be paid to Agnithur or Patrick. At the end of the tournament, the stake will be paid out to the first three places.

Here's to a great European Championship with lots of goals.

Kindergarten and Nursery:

2265b389 7505 4936 9831 6d3c035895f7In keeping with our current farm theme, we made a great tractor in the nursery! We then dressed up as little farmers and 'drove' to different farm animals! Not only did we get to know the animals, but we also learned what a farmer has to do on his farm. We also read a tactile picture book and were able to feel the animals' fur. We also drew beautiful pictures of different animals and a tractor. To conclude our 'farm' topic, we sang the song 'old McDonals had a farm' again. We also celebrated another birthday this week.

A week full of experimentation is coming to an end in kindergarten. During this week, we not only learned about the 5 senses and their meanings, but were also able to test our own senses.

- Feel: We were able to feel different things and guess them.
- Taste: We also tasted and guessed different foods. Some were quite tasty, others were not.
- Listening: We created a listening memory together and tried it out.
- Smelling: In smelling, we smelled different foods and guessed them.

We had a lot of fun with the experiments and discovered that all our senses are well developed. Of course, we also had plenty of snacks, which rounded off the week perfectly. On Friday, we had our long-awaited trip to the Aburi Garden. First we explored the wonderful garden and realized how beautiful nature is up here on the mountains. We made ourselves comfortable at the picnic and had a delicious breakfast. We spent the morning playing games, doing activities and listening to lots of music. The arrival and departure made us quite tired and we are looking forward to the weekend.

Primary School:

This week, class 1/2 worked on the book “The Red Umbrella” and retold it in English. The children then created their own book for the class based on this template. Enjoy reading it. Click here to download.

We are also planning a school sleepover: on Monday, June 17, we want to sleep in the classroom. There is a good chance that this day will be a national holiday, but this should not deter us from our plan. More information will follow soon in the class chat.

1000081329Class 3/4 finishes a busy week. One German and one math test were written. In art class, most of our underwater artworks have been completed and can now be admired in the canteen. Class 3's mini aquariums and Class 4's various works of art on the theme of sunken ships. Come and have a look!

Secondary School:

The school year is drawing to a close and the last exams and tests were written this week. The students have been studying hard and are happy with their grades so far. In addition to the grades, they continued to work on the musical Rapunzel in order to deliver an outstanding performance next week on June 13th. In addition to the musical, class 5/6 are also planning an internal graduation party, which will take place next week on Saturday at the Swiss Club. We wish everyone a great weekend and look forward to welcoming you all to the musical.


Thu, 13.06.2024                               Musical performance at the Goethe-Institut

Fri., 14.06.2024                                Science fair grades 5/6 for kindergarten and grades 1 - 4

Mon, 17.06.2024                             possibly: Al Adha (national holiday, no school)

Tue, 18.06.2024                              School trip

Wed., 19.06.2024                           Report card issue

Wed., 19.06.2024                           4 pm Public Viewing Germany vs. Hungary at the Swiss Club

Thu, 20.06.2024                            End of school year party

Fri, 21.06.2024                                Last day of school before the vacations

Sun, 23.06.2024                            6 pm Public Viewing Germany vs. Switzerland in the Swiss Club