Newsletter 13.09.2024

Another exciting week at GISA has come to an end. This time, for the first time, there was even a party break on Friday!
On 5.10.2024 we will again take part in the German Days, which are organized by the AHK in Accra. This year our motto is “Made in Germany”. In addition to delicious German food, the children will also present products that they have prepared during the project period. The children's fun is ensured by hands-on activities carried out by the pupils, teachers and the Ghana Mountaineers. We will end the evening with a brass band and a mix of German classics and Afrobeats. We look forward to welcoming many visitors!
A small note on playing soccer during the breaks: Please ensure that the children wear shoes and do not play barefoot (risk of injury).
Lunch at school
Please find attached the North Ridge Café meal plan for the last two weeks of September, which runs from September 16-27. As always, you can find the prices per child, the MoMo account and the meal plan on the website. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Exciting news! We are pleased to announce the launch of the GISA Teen Club, where teenagers can have fun, make friends and experience exciting activities together! Starting Saturday, September 28, from 2 to 5 pm, we will meet once or twice a month on Saturday afternoons to experience activities such as bowling, laser tag, surfing, DJ sessions, crafts and much more. It's going to be great fun! Children from outside the school are also welcome, as long as they are between 10 and 14 years old. You can find more information about participation and activities in the coming months in our flyer.
Introducing the GISA Skating Team, which trains every Thursday from 14:55 to 15:45. Their goal? To become the best skaters in the world! It's a fantastic opportunity to develop your skills, have fun and be part of a dedicated team. Come and join us and see how far you can go!
Once again, please note: On Wednesday, 18.09.2024 from 6 pm to 8 pm there will be a network meeting at the Swiss Club. GISA parents would like to bring together a wide range of professional activities.
Kindergarten and Nursery:
In the nursery, we once again had lots of fun playing both indoors and outdoors. The joint crafting session, where we made colorful rattles out of paper rolls, was particularly popular. This not only showed creativity, but also encouraged fine motor skills. When painting, the imagination was given free rein and the results were colorful masterpieces. In the garden, the children had the opportunity to move around, play with their friends and discover nature. We are delighted that all the new children have settled in so well and that the settling-in period is slowly coming to an end. That's why we want to start next week with the exciting topic of “Colors”. We are looking forward to discovering the world of colors together!
We are now also in the middle of preparations for the “German Days” in the kindergarten. Our rooms have been redecorated in the spirit of gummy bears and we have learned the “Gummibären-Bande” song. During learning time this week, we continued to practice cutting, creating colorful snakes. We also expanded our vocabulary and looked at what we can buy in our store. We also repeated the shapes and colors again and painted the same shapes in the same color. In the “English Club”, the children talked about their emotions and sang a song about emotions. They also read the book “the dragon tree”. Friday was a very special day with lots of highlights. First, waffles were baked, then there was a joint breakfast picnic on the floor of the elephant group. Well fortified, we then went to the “party break” to which the school invited us and we were able to run, dance and sing a lot. Afterwards, we were finally able to taste our delicious waffles. What a successful end to the week!
Primary school:
Time flies - another week has passed. Class 1/2 have been working independently in mathematics. They worked on bundling tens in class 2 and decomposing numbers in class 1, using shaking boxes. In Science, the human body was observed - this is always very interesting thanks to the illustrative material. In English for beginners, there were great board games to consolidate the learning content. In Cambridge English lessons this week, the students focused on understanding articles, especially “an”, “a” and “the”. They learned how to use these articles correctly in sentences. Through fun activities and stories, they practiced recognizing and using articles with different nouns. Reminder: Encourage your child to discover articles when reading at home!
In maths, the number range was further expanded and deepened. Individual help is offered in the maths support band and practical work is also carried out with materials. In German, Year 3 has written their test on (pro-)nouns. Year 4 has started on the topic of reports and has already written at least two accident reports. In the German support programme, we played city-country-river with word types (nouns, verbs and adjectives), among other things. Our German learners are adding new words every day. Greetings are becoming easier and easier to say. This week we worked on forms of politeness. In English, our students focussed on verbs, learning action words and how to bring sentences to life. Through fun activities and games, they practised recognising verbs in different contexts. We also introduced speech marks (inverted commas) and discussed their importance when writing dialogue. The children learnt how to use these to show that someone is speaking, improving their storytelling skills. Encourage your child to recognise verbs and use speech marks when writing at home! Laura Lützeler's English class are now writing their own book called ‘The farmer and the monkey’. In science we have continued with the skeleton in Year 4 and in Year 3 we have been looking at plants and have seen some seedlings of our planted beans and corn seeds. In art we painted ourselves as Minecraft characters. A particularly nice end to the week was the party break with the whole school and the kindergarten.
Secondary school:
It's been a wonderful week. We are doing well in Year 5 and 6 and our colleagues have also given us some praise. So thank you very much for your trust and solidarity. The birthday calendar is ready, the class trip is fully planned and we have decided to spend the week together at the beach. All we need now is the right accommodation. The class has also asked for a party. Sara has planned a gaming party at the school on 28.9.2024, you are cordially invited to attend. In the ‘German Rap’ project, we enjoyed a small workshop by Joyce this week and learnt the basics of DJing. The right choice of music, BPM, transitions and effects, to mention just a few aspects. We are integrating our computers more and more into the lessons. Always have them with you and please come to us if they are not working or if there are any problems. We have an IT specialist on site. In English this week, our students have been exploring the fascinating world of traditional fairy tales! They learnt how to put a new twist on classic stories to make them fresh and exciting. Through group discussions and creative summary writing, the children have developed their own unique versions of familiar stories. As a reminder; encourage your child to tell you about their twisted stories at home! In history, the Roman Empire unfolded very slowly, in geography they were amazed at 46 different European countries. A highlight was our party break, which we tried out as a pilot project today. It was so nice to see the pupils dancing, playing and laughing. Thank you so much for involving the younger ones too. Finally, the team is very happy with the dynamics in the class. Keep up the good work...
Year 7 started the week with a fun swimming lesson at the Paloma Hotel. There they practiced crawl swimming techniques intensively. In chemistry, the class is currently working on practical chemistry. They are investigating different types of solvents and dissolved substances. To mark the sad anniversary of 9/11, the seventh-graders have been studying the events and, above all, the far-reaching historical consequences. This week, the students delved deeper into word study with the help of engaging PowerPoint presentations. They learned about nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs, expanding their vocabulary and understanding of sentence structure. They also continued to work on their presentations and exhibits in the projects. A highlight of the week was the party break on Friday. All students started the weekend with a smile on their faces.
Sat., 14.09.2024 Junior Mountaineers introduction and trainingWed, 18.09.2024 6 pm Accra Business Mingle Dinner at the Swiss Club
Mon, 23/09/2024 Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Day - school-free
Wed., 02.10.2024 Grades 1 - 7 Inclusive workshops with ‘Football in your Life’/Bundesliga
Thu, 03.10.2024 Day of German Unity - no school day
Sat., 05.10.2024 ‘Made in Germany’ school festival as part of the AHK's ‘German Days’
Tue, 08.10.2024 AGM
Wed., 09.10.2024 Faces of Football: Football workshop for girls with former national football player Petra Landers in cooperation with Sparkassenstiftung
Mon, 14.10.2024 - Fri, 18.10.2024
Fri, 18.10.2024 Autumn holidays
Mon, 21.10.2024 First day of school after the autumn holidays (according to plan)