Newsletter 19.04.2024

Together with the parents' council, the 2024/25 vacation calendar was revised this week. This was necessary so that enough school days (over 180) can be kept. You can find the revised school calendar here: German International School Accra - School Calendar (
The first GISA Cup is getting closer and closer. On Sunday, 05.05.2024, 16 teams from 12 nations will show off their skills on the ball. At the family-friendly event, food and drink will be well catered for, a live band will play and there will be exciting activities for the children.
On Monday, May 6, 2024, it will be the turn of the students from various international and local schools; parents are also welcome to come and cheer them on.
Kindergarten and nursery:
The nursery started this week with a water party. There was splashing around and various objects were filled and emptied. The children and teachers had a lot of fun playing and laughing. We sang a new song with the children, "Five little fish", which was very well received. The children also made fish, which fits in wonderfully with the current theme of "water" in the crèche. Finally, the children decorated the windows in the mouse group with colorful window pictures.
This week we started our new topic "Professions" in kindergarten. Together we thought about which professions we know, learned what people in different professions do and drew our parents at work. The children have learned the names for different professions in both English and German. During learning time this week, we played job guessing games. The children also painted different job outfits (firefighter, cook, policeman...) in the appropriate colors. This week we also clapped some rhythms. The children were able to train their hearing and memory, clap rhythms or make up their own rhythms. On Friday, the children let off steam on our sports field. They were able to run, jump and crawl in various movement games. In the coming weeks, we will continue to explore the topic of professions, we will get to know individual professions better and try our hand at being a baker, for example.
Primary school:
This week, class 1/2 has not been able to work in their own classroom for the time being, as Irina and her team have been decorating walls, cupboards and tables. The room is getting more and more comfortable and the children are really enjoying the painted designs. Various free work activities were tried out again during learning time. The activities are being used more and more and more children are understanding the rules of different learning games. Year 2 has started with the topic of multiplication and is just beginning to understand the logical structure. Soon they will be memorizing the different series, where support at home will be helpful. The class has also been studying the structure of the human body. Swimming lessons could finally take place again. The children were very happy about this.
An exciting week is coming to an end for class 3/4. We were surprised to welcome a new pupil to class 3 this week, and we are very pleased! The learning development discussions have started and some individual learning goals have already been decided in a joint exchange between the pupils, parents and the class teacher. During swimming lessons at the La Palm Beach Hotel, the pupils were finally able to put their swimming skills to the test again after a long break. Next week, the Vera exams are on the program for class 3.
Secondary school:
The week got off to a good start and had one or two highlights in store. Preparations for the musical took place in the last two lessons on Monday and Tuesday. Class 5/6 also had a new pupil on Tuesday. We now have eleven pupils in class 5/6. On Wednesday, we went on a trip to Hebron. There we visited the Chance for Children project. The pupils painted pictures with the children on site, played games and looked at the children's accommodation. The pupils found the trip exciting, informative and very enjoyable. On Thursday, in addition to the normal lessons, there was also a half day of swimming at the La Palm Hotel. Class 5/6 wishes everyone a great weekend.
Mi., 01.05.2024 Public holiday (Labor Day)
So., 05.05.2024 GISA-CUP Adults
Mo., 06.05.2024 GISA Cup Kids
08.05. – 31.05.2024 Parent-teacher meetings/learning development meetings in all groups and classes (school and kindergarten/day nursery)
Fr., 17.05.- Mo., 20.05.2024 Whitsun holidays
Fr., 07.06.2024 Kindergarten excursion
Di., 11.06.2024 School cone making
Do., 13.06.2024 Musical performance at the Goethe-Institute
Di., 18.06.2024 School trip
Mi., 19.06.2024 Report card issue
Do., 20.06.2024 End of school year party
Fr., 21.06.2024 Last day of school before the vacations