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Newsletter 21.06.2024

Written on 21 June 2024
Newsletter 21.06.2024

The 2023/24 school year is behind us and we wish all members of the school community a wonderful, relaxing and exciting summer vacation!

One of the highlights was certainly the school musical "Rapunzel". At you will not only find the beautiful trailer, but also the films of the musical (dress rehearsal and show) from the beginning of next week. We will forward you the password to load the video via the parents' groups next week.

While the farewells at yesterday's end-of-year party were sad, despite the atmospheric dancing and drumming, and we wish all the departing children and staff all the best for the future, the accident involving a third-grader was particularly tragic. Fortunately, she is on the mend and we look forward to seeing her again in good health in the new school year, as we do all the other members of our school community. If you can't get enough of GISA until then, we would like to remind you of the summer camp "Lost in Space" next week and the Kick-Off - Back to School from August 7 - 9.

6a3fe17d 893b 475e 9dd1 d7d94a36102eWhat a nice surprise! Thanks to the Bundeswehr advisory group and their gift of a wonderful swing!

Kindergarten and Nursery:

3622782d eacb 42b1 ac7b 8b887de0effcWe sang, danced and painted a lot in the nursery last week. Unfortunately, we had to say goodbye to two children. We wish you and your families all the best and love! We also had to say goodbye to one child as he is moving to kindergarten after the vacations. We wish you lots of fun with the older children! We were also allowed to clear out our group room as it will be renovated during the vacations. We are very happy about this and are already very excited about our new rooms!

We had a great last week in kindergarten, where we spent a lot of time in the garden, played together and enjoyed our last days together with our friends. We also made farewell presents for the children who were leaving us and gave them a proper send-off. Our farewell week also included a lavish breakfast together on Tuesday, where we had a really good time. On Friday, the pupils from class 3&4 visited us again and read the books they wanted to read to the children. The trip to the library is always a nice change. As our rooms are being redecorated during the vacations, we also cleared out our rooms together this week and watched the workers excitedly as they made their first preparations. We are very excited to see our new rooms after the vacations!

Primary School:

The last week of the school year has now come to an end. We had a wonderful school sleepover with delicious pizza and colorful birthday cake. We had a great time reading together, doing puzzles, playing games and watching a movie while lying comfortably on our mattresses. The next day we went to Aburi, where we had a huge picnic. We played lots of games and took a guided tour of the botanical garden. On Wednesday we received our school reports - an exciting day for everyone. Now we wish everyone a relaxing vacation and look forward to seeing you again in the new school year.

Class 3/4 started this last short week with a beautiful, educational and fun day in the botanical garden in Aburi. On Wednesday, the time had come and report cards were issued. An exciting moment for everyone! On Thursday, a moment of shock, one of our class 3/4 pupils had an accident on the school grounds and had to go to hospital. We are very happy that she is already feeling better and wish her a speedy recovery and all the best! We had to say goodbye to two children from our class at the end-of-school party. Both are moving to Germany. We wish them all the best for this big change, they leave a gap in our class 3/4.

Secondary School:

We've finally made it! The school year 23/24 is coming to an end and we are all looking forward to our well-deserved vacation. In the last week of school, we went to the Aburi botanical garden with the school and had an exciting guided tour of the garden. We also spent the last week talking about the school year and sharing fond memories. We wish everyone a wonderful vacation and look forward to the coming school year.