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Ghana Mountaineers - Junior Mountaineers

We are starting a new semester for the Junior Mountaineers and we are happy to inform you that we have reestablished the cooperation with the German International School Accra. We are therefor able to go back to our original format of the Junior Mountaineers semesters with 3 skills training in Accra, 3 hikes in the Accra plains and a camping weekend at the end of the semester.

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The idea is always first have a skills training in Accra on the compound of the German International School in Accra and then practice the learned skills on a hike out in the bush. The skills training is always Saturdays from 09:00 till approx. 12:30 / 13:00 and we will cover skills like basic first aid, fire skills, water purification, land navigation, camping skills, etc. but also have time to play and have fun.

 The hikes are also on Saturdays and we leave Accra at 06:00 AM latest, drive to the hike location ( usually about 90 minutes ), and then hike and practice the learned skills. On those days we usually return to Accra at around 15:00 / 16:00. On each hike and each skills training the kids will have lunch with us, usually something like hotdogs, indomei, etc. and at the camping weekend we will do some real bush cooking for lunch, dinner, breakfast.

You can see in the attached flyers the dates for the three skills trainings and the three hikes as well as for the camping weekend. The fee for the whole semester is USD 320.00 including all trainings, lunches, drinking water, transportation, guide fees. And a GM T-shirt. We also add a suggested equipment list, but not everything is required from the start. Important are good, comfortable shoes, a backpack, a hat for sun protection and a rain jacket.

If you need more information or would like to register your kids for this semester, please contact us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. We will then mail you the registration form. We are looking forward to some exciting and fun-filled activities with the kids.

Ghana Mountaineers

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Please also note our no-show and cancellation policy:

We are trained in first aid and carry first aid equipment. However, if you have a medical precondition ( allergies, etc. ) that require special medication you need to notify us about it. You also need to carry your special medication and inform the guide where this medication is carried.

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