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Newsletter 07.09.2024

Written on 07 September 2024
Newsletter 07.09.2024

We have successfully completed August and the start of school. The committees have largely been constituted, the pedagogical innovations of the educational boost and project time have got off to a good start, as have the after-school activities in the all-day care program.

365f8d19 b92e 4256 9197 e5303b9218a2In addition to the seven new interns, we would also like to welcome our new administrative manager Katrin Krüger. A warm welcome to the team and a good start!

1000099947La Palm Royal Beach Hotel thanked us this week for our cooperation with a free sports bag for our students. Every week, our children have good experiences in swimming lessons at La Palm, strengthen their skills in dealing with the element of water, become safer and keep themselves physically fit. Our thanks also go to the La Palm Royal Beach Hotel for the good cooperation and, of course, the sports bags.

We are pleased to inform you that our marketplace is growing thanks to the coordination and commitment of the parents' café team in the Swiss Club led by Robert Lüdtke and Thorsten van Honk. On Mondays and Thursdays, after the children have been brought in from around 7:50 a.m., there is not only the parents' café, but also a kind of marketplace:

bc01912b f2d3 424f b28c 996dd141c70dJeremiah, as our first partner, offers fresh baked goods (contact German/English) pdfDownload PDF Backhaus , Elsie (English) brings us fresh fruit and vegetables pdfDownload PDF Sunshine fresh fruits and veggies , Newly added is the butcher from Tema, Malicat pdfDownload PDF Malicat, price list on the left. We are currently in talks with other retailers. Please take a look at the attached flyers to see what is on offer and feel free to drop by the parents' café. Free delivery is available on individual pre-order (contact details in the flyers), always on Mondays and Thursdays. We will keep you up to date.

 We are pleased to announce another collaboration with the Junior Mountaineers! The Junior Mountaineers are returning to their original format, with three skills training sessions at DISA, three hikes in the Accra Plains and a camping weekend at the end of the semester. The skills training will take place on Saturdays at the German International School, where the children will learn basics such as first aid, fire science and camping and then apply this knowledge on hikes. All hikes also take place on Saturdays and lunch is provided. Please see the attached flyer for dates and further details. pdfDownload PDF Ghana Mountaineers Junior  The semester fee is $320 USD and covers all activities, transportation and meals. For registration and more information, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Looking forward to an adventurous semester!

Accra Business Mingle dinner copy 6Once again, please note: On Wednesday, 18.09.2024 from 6 pm to 8 pm there will be a network meeting at the Swiss Club. GISA parents would like to bring together a wide range of professional activities.

Kindergarten and Nursery:

KrippeHPIn the nursery, we made creative ice cream, which the children particularly enjoyed. They were able to train their motor skills and let their imaginations run wild. We also played a lot - both in the group and in the garden. A very special event was welcoming a new child to our group. The children gave her a warm welcome and we are delighted that she has been part of our group since Tuesday!

Another week of crafts and reading books is coming to an end at the kindergarten. We decorated the windows in our group rooms, made and colored salt dough and created shimmering glitter pictures. We have a lot of fun every day during quiet time with new stories from “Mama Moo”. We also celebrated everyone's birthday together on Friday. This week, the children's German lessons focused on animals. Together we thought about what different animals are called, where they live, what they eat and what makes them special. In English, the children continued to consolidate the colors, numbers, days of the week and months and got to know different shapes. There was also a lot going on in learning time. We sang “Green green green are all my clothes”, did a coloring dictation, recognized the numbers from 1-10 and tested our scissor posture with cutting exercises.

Primary school:

1 2b1 2c copyClass 1/2 has been working on various tasks again this week: While some have made great progress in their German as a foreign language lessons, others have been working on their exercise book entries and paying attention to rulings and writing direction. Others worked on the structure of profiles and assigned descriptions of people to the correct pictures in groups. In mathematics, the focus was on visualization: Can you recognize a quantity at a glance? Toe sticks and unit tiles were used for this. What about larger quantities? How can you arrange them clearly and then count them well? In English, sentences were joined and stories were retold to enable the children to speak as much as possible. Art lessons have made our classroom more colorful and beautiful: flower meadows now adorn our windows.

Another great week is almost over. This week the test on (pro-)nouns was written in German in class 4. Class 3 has been preparing for the test on the same topic. Our German students have been working on colors and numbers and have already written two tests. In English, Clemencia Mayoga read the story “The enormous crocodile” while Laura Lützeler's group worked on vocabulary development and pronunciation. In math, we worked on the workbook and played a fun fly swatter game for mental arithmetic. In Science we are now being supported by our intern Lennard Brodner and have planted beans and corn. Grade 4 wrote a very successful test on the skeleton. In Swimming at the LaPalm Hotel we had a lot of fun in the water - even though it will hopefully get warmer again soon.

Secondary school:

IMG 20240830 WA0010newsl 9 6 turned copyIn Science we researched plant parts, flowers and systems in the plant and presented our findings, in English we combined proverbs with fables and personal stories. Students gained deeper insights into wisdom and traditions and applied these lessons to their lives. They improved their understanding of proverbs and their cultural context and built on this to improve their ability to make connections and develop critical thinking, creating amazing works of art for their imaginations. Year 6 German at the moment is a lot about writing stories. Not only in a creative way, but we are also working on using 'direct speech' and verbs in an appropriate way. We are preparing to dive into grammar next week. In math, students have begun working with their e-books. This means that we are using our devices more and more. Finally, we have rearranged the seating arrangements in class and got some new plants to look after. Don't forget to be nice to the plants and of course to each other. The birthday calendar is also in progress. The pictures have been taken and can be printed next week.

During the school week of Year 7, we had settled in well after the first four weeks of school. In mathematics, we were currently focusing on the topic of negative numbers and learning how to calculate with them. The lesson covered basic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division with negative numbers. In English lessons, the focus was on sentence structure. We practiced different sentence structures and learned how to form and link sentences correctly. After trying out various everyday experiments in the classroom last week in German lessons and describing their sometimes surprising effects orally and in writing, this week's focus was on a grammar topic: passive forms in the present tense (which we were able to use directly to improve our descriptions of events!) and in the past tense - quite tricky forms, but we have already got a good handle on them with various interactive exercises! Despite the intensive learning phases, we are already looking forward to the upcoming weekend to relax and recharge our batteries for the coming week.


Sat., 14.09.2024                              Junior Mountaineers introduction and training

Wed., 18.09.2024                           6 pm Accra Business Mingle Dinner at the Swiss Club

Mon, 23.09.2024                            Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Day - school-free

Wed., 02.10.2024                           Grades 1 - 7 Inclusive workshops with “Football in your Life”/Bundesliga

Thu, 03.10.2024                             Day of German Unity - school-free

Sat., 05.10.2024                            “Made in Germany” school festival as part of the AHK's “German Days”

Wed., 09.10.2024                           Faces of Football: Football workshop for girls with former national soccer player Petra Landers in cooperation with Sparkassenstiftung

Mon, 14.10.2024 - Fri, 18.10.2024
Fri., 18.10.2024                              Autumn vacation

Mon, 21.10.2024                           First day of school after the fall vacations (according to schedule)